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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Agawan Base

Participants:as many as possible

The participants are divided into two teams with equal number of members. The objective of the game is for one team to try and capture the base of the other by reaching the other's home base first and tagging a pre-decided item (e.g. a tree trunk, a rock, etc.) symbolizing the opposite team’s home base without getting tagged by the defending members of the opposite team. A safety line is drawn between the two teams. A member of an opposing team who crosses the safety line into the territory of the other team can be chased and tagged by the team that owns that base. If the attacker gets tagged before he or she manages to get back to his or her safety zone or home base, he or she becomes a prisoner of the opposite team. He or she can be rescued by a teammate when tagged without the teammate getting tagged by the guard or one of the defenders of the opposing team.The game ends when a member of an opposing team manages to tag the symbol of the other team or when all the members of one team are captured by the other team, leaving their home base free for the opposite team to attack and capture