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Monday, April 23, 2007

Pruductivity Improvement - Checklists

Lack of productivity costs money and when costs are under threat, then so to are jobs. No matter what job title the reader holds, in no matter what type of organization, the search for and the need to improve productivity is the ultimate goal. This is true today, as it was yesterday as it will be tomorrow.
Millions of dollars are wasted each and every day in organizations, through lack of awareness of this need to constantly improve productivity. Most of it can be stopped. A concerted effort at all levels, management, supervision and 'shop floor' will produce results. Positive, active cooperation by lower levels is the surest method of producing results.
Sometimes, particularly with (though not confined to) small organizations, splendid results can be obtained by concentrating effort on one section of the personnel, and often the most logical is supervision/ team leaders.
By careful training, education, planning, assisting and coordinating the activities of supervision and employees solid improvements can be made. These activities can form the basis of an effective and vital team building campaign. To be effective the superivisor or team leader must consistantly think, act and speak productivity, thus displaying leadership in this vital area.
In our PDFs and around our site you will find additional resources, that together with this checklist, will help to improve productivity in your organization. The checklists here are ideal team building activities and can easily be incorporated into team building / productivity improvement programs.
The fundamentals of productivity improvement
In any team approach to improving productivity, there are a number of fundamental aspects which should be borne in mind. These are:
No organization is too small or too large, whether it be in the public or private sector, to rule out the attractive possibilities of improving productivity.
Productivity is a state of mind and should be promoted as such.
Involve as many employees as possible in the search to improve productivity. Psychologically it is sound to spread the degree of participation so that as many as possible feel that, to some extent, the success of the program rests with them.
It should be a continuing program, for it is never finished. A product line that is competitive today needs analysis to remain competitive tomorrow. Improving productivity should therefore be a permanent, alive and part of the organization at all levels.
Concentration should be made on controlling the controllable. Unless care is exercised, much time and money can be wasted in endeavoring to control the uncontrollable. Much of the success in improving productivity comes from judgment exercised in relation to categories in which various expenses lie and the respective opportunities offered. Although the day - to - day approach is that every cost reduction tool should be used wherever practicable, over the years, improved productivity has come from better METHODS and better EQUIPMENT.
Improving productivity is not achieved by raising voices against people. Often there is too much talk about productivity and too little planning and concentrated effort.
Improving productivity is the real key to national prosperity under a rising standard of living.
No concern can afford to ignore the concept and practice of productivity improvement. The competition will not do so and certain national economies in the East have not and will continue to hold certain advantages, which have to be challenged in a competitive global economy.
Money must often be spent in one place to save in another.
Improving productivity requires resourcefulness, imagination, and enthusiasm. Success in affecting savings today merely presages extra effort tomorrow.
Productivity leadership flows from the top down. It rarely seeps up from the bottom.