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Monday, April 23, 2007

Waste of Time

Improving poor time utilization
Here is a checklist of common causes of poor / low time utilization (time wasters.) These are prime targets when seeking to improve productivity. The old addage, "money is time" is no more true, than in business. Apply your team members job knowledge, together with this checklist to identify areas for improvement.
Rigorously examine each item
TIP: Measure the before and after effect wherever possible. That is, you should attempt to quantify each cause of waste time you attack, in terms of money, time and material. This way you can objectively assess the difference you have made:

Lack of proper planning, keeping workers waiting between jobs or waiting for material.
Failure on the supervisor's part to thoroughly understand orders and instructions received
Lack of knowledge of what constitutes a full day's work
Failure to make orders and instructions clear to workers
Failure to insist that tools supplies, and portable equipment be kept in proper places
Ordering overtime work that could be avoided
Not seeing that workers are supplied with proper tools and equipment for every job
Allowing workers intentionally to do less work than they can
Failure to inform human resouces department when more labour is required
Keeping too many workers
Failure to write records and requisitions intelligibly
Failure to question and correct workers who lay off
Allowing workers to get habit of talking, visiting, killing time
Failure to get workers to start on time, slack supervision
Delay in making decisions
Unnecessary absenteeism or tardiness on the supervisor's part
Being late with reports
Not investigating immediately when repairs are needed
Unnecessary visiting and conversation on the job
Failure on the supervisors's part to organize his / her time and work
Lack of proper planning, keeping workers waiting between jobs or waiting for material