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Monday, April 23, 2007

The team building blocks

The following team building blocks, are the essential dynamics that enable any group of people to come together in an organized fashion to deliver or produce effectively and efficiently, goods and services. An initial diagnostic team building exercise takes the form of a comprehensive questionnaire, which individual workshop members complete.
The outcome from the exercise is a composite radar chart displaying the relative strengths and weaknesses of each of the 9 team building blocks.
This starting profile is the first step in the team building workshop process.
An experienced 'org. doc' (trainer) soon homes in on the areas that require exploring with an eye on the scale and scope of the potential for improvement.
It's much easier and quicker to change systems, processes, methods, etc. than to change peoples basic character traits. We look for areas around employees, at levels, that bring about changes in behaviors and lead to productivity improvement. If systems are not working, then your people are not working together. The scope for performance improvement exists in all organizations at all times, this includes the reduction in work content (the antidote to extra hours being worked.)
Team building blocks - the process start profile
To begin the exploration of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities for improvement and threats to the organization, a start profile of the team building blocks manifest in the group is summarized. The example below shows one such profile in the form of a radar chart. The expert tutor will then go through these team building blocks and have the group explore the 'sore thumb' and hidden problems. This is done in a simple, common sense approach.
By inspection, this team building processes can be seen as relevant to the needs of the organization, the group and the individuals in the group. In any given organization, there will be at least one or two of the team building blocks that can and will make a significant difference to overall performance improvement