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Monday, April 23, 2007

Team Building - The workshop process

The workshop uses the talent, experience, wisdom, logic and existing thought patterns of the delegates to forge an improved conceptual model of the organization, from that which exists at the start of the team building process.

They can use the workshop either to tackle:
Existing challenges
Perceived future challenges
Or in a ‘blue skies’ mode to think about ways of improving how the organization operates.
Delegates first establish existing facts, their thinking, perceptions, assumptions experiences and their attitudes; the good, the bad and the ugly. They then begin to challenge this existing base in order to develop an improved conceptual model.
From the improved conceptual model, delegates seek improvements by testing the new model using debate, exercises, activities and role playing. Improvements are likely to be come from the group in the following areas:
Basic business process plus sub-processes
The workshop will enable delegates to fully explore their workplaces, the organizational environment and beyond. It will realistically challenge the way they think and view their workplace, their work and their relationships thus paving the way for improved opportunities for personal development and thus improved organizational effectiveness.
Can assemble and take advantage of a great deal of diverse experience
Designed for a high degree of participation
Allows for group–determined goals, plans, and recommendations
It will generate more ideas than any individual would produce alone, and will promote confidence in agreed–upon solutions